👟Getting Started

Learn how to create a server with Plazma.

To use Plazma stably, the system must meet the following requirements:

For smooth configuration file editing, it is also good to install an editor like Visual Studio Code.

1. JRE Installation

As the name suggests, Minecraft: "Java" Edition is developed in Java, so it requires to run.

Since Plazma is based on Mojang Studios' official server platform, you also need to install JRE to use Plazma.

1.1 Check for JRE

To check if JRE is installed on your system, type in the Run dialog and execute it.

If the output is as shown below, skip to Step 2.

Correct output
openjdk 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu21.32+17-CA (build 21.0.2+13-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu21.32+17-CA (build 21.0.2+13-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

If the output is not as shown above or if it is as shown below, it means that JRE is either missing or too outdated, so you need to perform Step 1.2.

JRE not installed
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
JRE too old
Unrecognized option: --version
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

1.2 JRE Installation

In this guide, Azul Zulu is used as one of the types of JREs.

After completing the installation, redo Step 1.1 to verify that the installation has been completed correctly.

  1. First, download JDK 21 in .msi format from Azul Zulu.

  2. Run the downloaded installation wizard and click Next.

  3. After activating Set JAVA_HOME variable in the menu displayed in the middle left of the window, click Next.

  4. Press Install to complete the JRE installation.

2. Plazma Download

Plazma provides various types of executable files.

In most cases, use Reobf Paperclip.

The following content is for developers or those curious about the characteristics of each form. If you are a general user, you can skip to Step 3 without any issues.

Learn more

The name of the executable file is determined as plazma-(version manager)-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-(mapping type).jar.

  • Mapping Type Mapping is a kind of map that connects the actual code of Minecraft with the obfuscated code.

    • Reobf Reobfuscated, also known as Spigot mapping, used in most NMS plugins. It will be deprecated starting from 1.20.5.

    • Mojmap Mojang-mapped, the vanilla Minecraft mapping.

  • Version Manager The version manager can be considered as a launcher for the server, which is necessary for running the server and patching server files.

    • Paperclip Developed by the PaperMC team for Paper and other derivative platforms, it downloads libraries and applies patches to the server.

    • Bundler The vanilla Minecraft version manager.

3. Creating a Startup Script

To easily start Plazma and automatically restart the server, you need to create a startup script.

You can create a startup script through Flags.sh and automatically optimize the command by only entering the memory to use in Plazma.

You can download the startup script by clicking the bottom left download button. Make sure the downloaded startup script matches your operating system.

4. File Organization

Now, move the downloaded startup script and Plazma to a new folder.

The folder name must not contain spaces and must be set in English.

Otherwise, Plazma or JRE may not function properly.

Now, run the startup script. For Windows, in the firewall permission prompt, make sure to select Allow.

5. EULA Agreement

Once you run the startup script, a eula.txt file will be generated in the folder.

is a license agreement that must be agreed upon by using the services of Mojang Studios.

If you do not agree, you cannot start the server, and if you violate the EULA, you may receive sanctions such as account suspension.

To agree to the EULA, change eula=false to eula=true in the eula.txt file and save it.

6. Allow External Connections (Windows)

Modern operating systems block external access by default using Firewalls and Routers to prevent dangerous access from outside.

For Windows, since the firewall was allowed in Step 3, you just need to do port forwarding.

This guide assumes that it is written for Windows operating systems and routers that can use UPnP.

If the router does not support UPnP, you need to search for information yourself as different routers have different panels.

Alternatively, you can also generate a temporary address using Ngrok.

For (semi-)UNIX based operating systems like Linux or macOS, firewall configuration varies by service, so you need to research directly.

6.1 Check the Need for Port Forwarding

Enter the following in the execution window and run it.

powershell -noexit -c "((Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address).IPAddress -eq (Invoke-WebRequest "ifconfig.me").content"

If the output is True, you can finish here, but if it is False, you need to set up port forwarding.

6.2 Connect to the Server

If port forwarding is not needed or already successfully set up, you can now connect to the server.

The address to use when connecting to the server can be checked here.

7. To develop

If you have successfully started the server and it is running correctly, it is now time to customize the server.

Learn how to customize the server through the following guide.

Last updated