What be Plazma?

Find out what kind o' server platform Plazma be.

  • Plazma be Andromeda and Fusion advantages only be taken from Paper base o' server platform.

  • Always high stability and powerful performance, quick updates, be strive t' provide vast features.

📋 Plazma's goal

  • Strive t' be a server platform with quick updates and high stability.

  • Strive t' provide vast features and powerful performance not inferior t' mod platforms.

  • Strive t' create a free platform that can be customized even vanilla patches.

⚙️ Main features

  1. Powerful Plugin Ecosystem Paper bein' based on, most o' th' latest available fer download on th' internet be workin' properly.

  2. Optimization without needin' settin's Pufferfish be includin' all patches, some self-optimization an' mods be built in t' provide th' best performance.

  3. Game personalized as ye wish Purpur included in Plazma be allowin' modification o' th' overall attributes o' th' game.

  4. Servers playin' safely No Chat Reports be included t' disable 's added since 1.19, removin' th' diagnostic information collector completely, allowin' ye t' play on a traceless safe server.

  5. Fastest updates AlwaysUpToDate ensures that Plazma's included patches be always kept up t' date, providin' the fastest updates among Paper-based server platforms.

  6. Optimized default configuration files The default configuration files be optimized, so ye don't need t' optimize the configuration files yerself.

  7. Systematically operate multi-threaded Asynchronize system mechanisms unrelated t' the game's mechanisms t' reduce and optimize the server.

  8. Block unnecessary space usage Combine all data with similar values into one t' reduce memory usage.

If ye be wantin' t' learn more about Plazma?

✨ Use cases

  • Platform handlin' complex plugins correctly Plazma be used on developer IPECTER's server. With self-plugins operatin' with NMS an' reflection, extensive an' complex data packs be heavily applied, acceptin' over 100 players without performance degradation.

  • Platform maintainin' fast performance on RPG servers Stably maintainin' 100 players on a single cluster without TPS drops, an' allowin' a pleasant play experience fer 250 players on 4 clusters.

  • Platform showin' light on chunks/entities Switchin' from Purpur t' Plazma on a survival server where delays occurred in handlin' chunks an' entities helped reduce most o' th' delays.

  • Many streamers be choosin' th' platform Many streamers' viewers be choosin' it as a bucket fer participation.

⬇️ Download

Ye can download Plazma from the page below.

If ye be wantin' detailed information about version support?

Last updated