
Discover the ways to customize provided by Plazma, ye scallywag!

Plazma be offerin' various ways to customize, me hearties.

Among them, these 4 ways be ready to use without any additional work needed, arrr!

Can ye not solve th' problem through th' manual?

Official Discord ship or GitHub Discussions be askin' questions to the crew through the community!

🖥️ Commands

Commands allow ye to gather information in the game or customize the play environment, savvy?


🛡️ Permissions

Permissions be settin' the range in which players can interact, matey.


🎛️ Arguments and Attributes

Arguments and Attributes be havin' a broad impact on the operation of Plazma, arrr!

🎛️Assumptions and Attributes

📋 Configurations

Configurations be the most basic way to customize Plazma, ye scurvy dogs.


Last updated