🎛️Arguments and Properties

Learn about startup arguments and system properties.

The start arguments and system properties are values appended to the commands used for Plasma execution, influencing the overall operation of Plasma.

According to the start argument and system properties in the position added to the command (#user-content-fn-2), it will be divided.

System Properties

System properties are values processed in the JVM before Plazma is initialized and entered in front of -jar.

Modifying system properties can change the operation of Plazma and JVM, and can have a significant impact on the game!

If you are not sure what each system property does, do not use it under any circumstances!


System properties are entered as Java command arguments between java and -jar.

For example, when applying the Plazma.dummyProperty system property, entering as follows initializes Plazma with 37 entered in the next property.

java -Xms4G (...) -DPlazma.dummyProperty=37 -jar plazma.jar (...)

-D indicates that the argument is an exclusive argument added to Plazma, not inherent to JVM,

If no value is entered for the property, the value is fixed as .

The Paperweight server platform includes a . in the property name to distinguish system properties for each platform.

In some terminals such as Windows Powershell, these arguments may not be allowed, so you should add " to the ends of the arguments (#user-content-fn-4).

Full System Properties


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Updates deprecated sign formats.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables debug logs related to entity information.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables NMS revision to correctly load debug information in IDE, and automatically remaps internal version information.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables Spigot's Watchdog warning system.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables confirmation message for the /reload command.

The /reload command is very unstable, so any issues that occur after using /reload are the responsibility of the user.

If you are a plugin developer and need to update a plugin, use hotswap instead of /reload.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables plugins using standard input and output system.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Warns when deprecated formatting is detected in chat components.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables server's pattern matching verification when players connect to the server.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables debug logs for missing keys in NBT objects.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables debug logs for head blocks with invalid profile information.

Logs all incorrect head blocks in the world with their locations.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables the limit of 128 plugin applied per player.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables plugin class prioritization system.

Useful when issues arise in plugin shading.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables Netty flush consolidation system.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 750

Splits entities into multiple packets if they exceed the set value.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 8192

Sets the maximum packet size the server can receive at once.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Disables Java version check.

This may allow JVM to attempt to access non-existent code!

World and overall files can be permanently corrupted, breaking the game's entire mechanics.

Any issues that arise from using this are the user's responsibility, and Plamza does not provide any support for it.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 64

Sets restrictions on the plugin name.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 80

Sets the maximum length of characters that can be entered on a sign line.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: (world version) + 1

Sets the version of initial world update information to be initialized first.

Useful when a large number of chunks need to be updated, but otherwise not used.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: True

Enables processing of comments in YAML files.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 30

Kicks players if no data is received from them for the specified time (in seconds).

In general, the continues to send to the server, so it is not kicked, but if the game does not respond, it is considered a crash and the server will no longer process the player and kick them.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Ignores server properties comments.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables debug logs for synchronous chunk loading.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables Minecraft's .

This proceeds to save each chunk sequentially, causing significant performance degradation.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Enables explicit flushing of network channels.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Always logs errors that do not occur on the main thread.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

Outputs a warning if scheduled tasks have excessive wait times.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: False

When using the default executable file, only applies patches without starting the server.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Conflict: Plazma.disableConfigOptimization

Optimize the initial configuration more strongly.

Enabling this will make the server faster and safer, but it can have a significant impact on gameplay.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Conflict: Plazma.aggressiveOptimize

Do not optimize the initial configuration.

This makes it use Paper's default configuration.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

Suppresses the warning message displayed when Plazma is initialized (#user-content-fn-11).


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

Disable the Plazma branding and use the vanilla default server favicon.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Conflict: Plazma.disableConfigOptimization

This property is still under development.

This property reverts all patched vulnerabilities!

This can have a significant impact on server safety and performance.

Any issues arising from this property are the responsibility of the server administrator.

Provides the initial configuration with the default values supplied by Mojang.

This disables all vulnerability patches applied by Paper.

Vulnerability patches can be re-enabled in either the Paper configuration or Plazma configuration.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: true

  • Conflict: Plazma.aggressiveOptimize

This property is still under development.

Set the initial configuration closer to vanilla.

This is applied only to a degree that does not generally affect server performance and safety, and configures to use vanilla defaults when Plazma.disableConfigOptimization property is used.

The deprecated propertyis in use.

The following system property is a deprecated property.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Deprecated: Timings has been removed from Plazma since

Determines if values exceeding the maximum that can be sent to Aikar's Timings API are allowed.

Even if done this way, rate limiting will be applied if not handled in the API.

Start Arguments

Start arguments are entered after -jar *.jar to initialize Plazma and are processed together.


System properties are entered as program command arguments after -jar *.jar.

For example, if you want to apply the nogui start argument, enter as follows for Plazma to process the nogui argument during initialization.

java -Xms4G (...) -DPlazma.dummyProperty=37 -jar plazma.jar nogui (...)

All Start Arguments


  • Alias: b

  • Default: bukkit.yml

Sets the name and location of the Bukkit configuration file.


  • Alias: c

  • Default: commands.yml

Sets the name and location of the Bukkit command configuration file.


  • Alias: c

  • Default: server.properties

Sets the name and location of the server properties file.


Starts the server with a demo world.


Removes leftover cache files after world upgrades.


Forces an upgrade of the world, ignoring the version.


  • Alias: ?

Outputs the full start arguments and descriptions for Plazma.


Only generates configuration files and shuts down the server.


Enables JFR profiling.


  • Alias: s, size

  • Default: (server properties)

Sets the maximum number of allowed players.


Disables the graphical interface panel.


Disables JLine and uses vanilla console.


  • Alias: o

  • Default: (server properties)

Selects whether to authenticate players with Mojang authentication servers.

Sanctions may apply for violating the EULA if not using Velocity or other proxies.


  • Alias: paper

  • Default: paper.yml

This argument has been deprecated after 1.19.4.

Sets the location of the deprecated PaperSpigot configuration file.

Used to transfer existing configurations to new configuration files, and not used afterwards.


  • Alias: paper-dir

  • Default: config

Sets the name and location of the folder containing the Paper configuration files.


  • Alias: plazma-dir

Sets the name and location of the folder containing the Plazma configuration files.


  • Alias: p

  • Default: plugins

Sets the location of the plugins folder.


  • Alias: pufferfish

  • Default: pufferfish.yml

Sets the name and location of the Pufferfish configuration file.


  • Alias: purpur

  • Default: purpur.yml

Sets the name and location of the Purpur configuration file.


Starts the server in a completely vanilla state (Safe Mode).


  • Alias: h, host

  • Default: (server properties)

Sets the host name or Internet Protocol address of the server.


  • Alias: p, port

  • Default: (server properties)

Sets the port of the server.


  • Default: A Plazma Server

Sets the name of the server.


  • Alias: S

  • Default: spigot.yml

Sets the name and location of the Spigot configuration file.


  • Alias: v

Outputs the Plazma version.


  • Alias: W, universe, world-container

  • Default: (server folder)

Sets the location where world files are saved.


  • Alias: w, world

  • Default: (server properties)

Sets the name of the world file.

Last updated